Course Outlines
- Sociology 224: Deviance and Conformity
- Sociology 376: Sociology of Religion
- Sociology 441: Sects
- Sociology 476: Religion and Societies
- Sociology 576: Religion and Societies
- Sociology 603: Contemporary Sociological Theories About Religion
- Sociology 604: Reading Course on Globalization, Religion, and Fundamentalisms
University of Alberta
Department of Sociology
Instructor: Dr. Stephen A. Kent
Sociology 576: Sociology of Religion
Required Books:
William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, The Elements of Style . (any edition). New York : Macmillian, 1979 (or more recent).
Other required books depending upon graduate student interest
Course Objectives:
This course intends to expose students to crucial issues and texts in the sociology of religion. Some graduate students prefer to take this class in conjunction with Sociology 441 on the sociology or religious sectarianism. With this choice, students will write one extensively researched term paper of approximately 25 pages, making use of numerous primary and secondary materials. They also will write critical analyses of various course readings, the exact number of which is negotiable.
Other graduate students prefer to take this class as a reading course that examines key historical and/or contemporary sociology of religion theories and texts. With this choice, students agree to write book reviews on a number of texts and/or theories, plus write one extensively researched term paper of approximately 25 pages.
Graduate students interested in taking this course should speak with me prior to the beginning of the term.