Children of God


Kent, Stephen A. (second author with Susan Raine). “The Grooming of Children for Sexual Abuse in Religious Settings: Unique Characteristics and Select Case Studies.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 48 (2019): 180-189;

Jonathan Simmons and Stephen A.Kent. 2015. “An Expansion of the Rational Choice Approach:Social Control in the Children of God during the1970s and 1980s.” International Journal for the Study of New Religions.6/1: 27-79.

Generational Revolt by the Adult Children of First-Generation Members of the Children of God/The Family.” Cultic Studies Review 3 No. 2 (2004): 56-72;

“Brainwashing Programs in The Family/Children of God, and Scientology.” Misunderstanding Cults: Searching for Objectivity in a Controversial Field. Edited by Benjamin Zablocki and Thomas Robbins. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (2001): 349-378.

(coauthor with Deana Hall) “Brainwashing and Re-Indoctrination Programs in the Children of God/The Family”. Cultic Studies Journal 17 No. 1 (2000): 56-78.

“Misattribution and Social Control in the Children of God.” Journal of Religion and Health. 33 No.1 (Spring, 1994): 29-43; Reprinted in Spirituality in East and West No.1 (1997): 16-22.

“Lustful Prophet: A Psychosexual Historical Study of the Children of God’s Founder, David Berg.” Cultic Studies Journal 11 No.2(1994): 135-188. For this article in Italian, see: “David Berg, il Profeta della lussuria,” in : Cristina Caparesi, Mario Di Fiorino, and Stephen A. Kent (Editors) Costretti ad Amare: Saggi sui Bambini di Dio/The Family. Forte dei Marmi: Centro Studi Psichiatria e Territorio, (2002): 57-69.

Book Reviews

James D. Chancellor, Life in The Family: An Oral History of the Children of God. Nova Religio 8 No. 1 (July 2004): 108-112.

Miriam Williams, Heaven’s Harlots: My Fifteen Years as a Sacred Prostitute in the Children of God Cult. Nova Religio 3 No.1 (1999): 163-167.

Edited Volume

Edited Volume: Cristina Caparesi, Mario Di Fiorino, and Stephen A. Kent (Editors) Costretti ad Amare: Saggi sui Bambini di Dio/The Family. Forte dei Marmi: Centro Studi Psichiatria e Territorio, (2002).