“Historical Sociology.” The Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume 2. Edited by Edgar F. Borgotta and Marie L. Borgotta. New York: Macmillian, 1992: 837-843; Revised in The Encyclopedia of Sociology, Volume 2. Second Edition. Edited by Edgar F. Borgotta and Rhonda J.V. Montgomery, 2000:1195-1202.
“The Quaker Ethic and the Fixed Price Policy: Max Weber and Beyond,” Sociological Inquiry 53 no.1 (February, 1983):16-32; revised reprint in Time, Place, and Circumstances: Neo-Weberian Essays in Religion, Culture, and Society. Edited by William Swatos. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1990: 139-150, 198-201.
Book Reviews
Review of “The Sage Qualitative Research Methods Series: Vols.1-7.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 26, no.4 (1989):848-852.
Randall Collins, Max Weber: A Skeleton Key. Sociological Analysis 49 no.3 (1988):314-315.
Roger O’Toole, Religion: Classic Sociological Approaches. Canadian Journal of Sociology 10, (1985): 322-324.
Gordon Marshall, In Search of the Spirit of Capitalism: An Essay on Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic Thesis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 22 no.4 (December, 1983): 388, 390.