Degrees of Embellishment: Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, and His Civil Engineering Credentials Fraud.” Journal of CESNUR Supplement to Volume 3 Issue 1 (January-February, 2019): VI-LX;
“Narconon, Scientology, and the Battle for Legitimacy.” Marburg Journal of Religion 19 No. 1 (2017): 1-39; http://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/ep/0004/article/view/6495/7412
(co-author with Jodi Lane). 2008. “Politiques de rage et narcissisme malin.” Criminologie 41 No. 2: 117-155. Full text: Français, English (with original title and abstract), Italian.
“Scientology and the European Human Rights Debate: A Reply to Leisa Goodman, J. Gordon Melton, and the European Rehabilitation Project Force Study.” Marburg Journal of Religion 8 No. 1 (September 2003). PDF
“The French and German Versus American Debate Over ‘New Religions’, Scientology, and Human Rights.” Marburg Journal of Religion 6 No. 1 (January 2001). PDF
Above Article In French:
“La Controversie Americaine Contre Les Francais et les Allemands a Propos des ‘Nouvelles Religions’, de la Scientologie et des Droits de l’Homme.”
“The Creation of ‘Religious’ Scientology,” Religious Studies and Theology, 18 No. 2 (Dec. 1999) 97-126. PDF
Above Article in Italian:
La globalizzazione di Scientology: Influenza, Controllo e Opposizione nei Mercati Transnazionali
Above Article in French:
“La Globalisation de la Scientologie: Influence, Contrôle, et Opposition sur les Marchés Internationaux” (la traduction: Roger Gonnet)
“Scientology–Is This a Religion?” Marburg Journal of Religion 4 No.1 (July, 1999):11pp.
Above Article in Italian:
“Scientology, religione e diritti umani.” Marburg Journal of Religion 4 No.1 (July, 1999):11pp.
Above Article in German (in two parts):
“Scientology und östliche religiöse Traditionen,” Berliner Dialog Heft 1-97 (Ostern 1997): 16-21.
Above Article in Italian:
“La relazione di Scientology con le tradizioni religiose orientali”
Edited Volume:
Book Chapters:
“Scientology’s Recruitment Policies Targeting Celebrities.” In Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy. Edited by Stephen A. Kent and Susan Raine. Denver, Colorado: Praeger, 2017: 81-101.
“Celebrities Keeping Scientology Working.” In Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy. Edited by Stephen A. Kent and Susan Raine. Denver, Colorado: Praeger, 2017: 103-148.
“Scientology’s Celebrity Apostates.” In Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy. Edited by Stephen A. Kent and Susan Raine. Denver, Colorado: Praeger, 2017: 149-190.
Encyclopedia Articles
Institute Publications
Brainwashing in Scientology’s Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF). Behörde für Inneres–Arbeitsgruppe Scientology und Landeszentrale für politische Bildung.(October 2000): 63 pp.
Above Article in German:
Gehirnwäsche im Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF) der Scientology-Organisation. Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg [Germany], Behörde für Inneres–Arbeitsgruppe Scientology und Landeszentrale für politische Bildung.(October 2000): 72 pp.
Above Article in Italian:
Il sistema interno di “rieducazione” di Scientology.
Invited Presentation on “Religious Persecution in Europe” at the Consultation on Religious Persecution, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut. (September 26, 1999).
Legal Submissions
Deposed as a Scientology Expert in Patrick C. Desmond and Mary C. Desmond, Individually, and Mary C. Desmond, as Adminstratrix of the Estate of Patrick W. Desmond, Plaintiffs, v. Narconon of Georgia, Inc., Delgado Development, Inc.’ Sovereign Place LLC, Sovereign Place Apartment Management, Inc., Lisa Carolina Robbins, M.D., Narconon International, Defendants, Civil Action No. 10A28641-2 State Court of Dekalb County, State of Georgia, (January 5, 2012).
Submitted an Expert Opinion in Laura L. Ciancio, Nicholas C. Ciancio, Brianna R. Ciancio, Jonathan D. Ciancio, and the Estate of Thomas Paul Ciancio v. Fowler Software Design, LLC; Delati LLC; Laura C. Zaspel; William Rex Fowler; Janet Stephens Fowler; and the William Rex Fowler and Janet S. Fowler Living Trust. District Court, City and County of Bloomfield, Colorado. (October 22, 2012). Case settled out of court with a $2 million award to plaintiffs in December 2012.
“Expert Report on the Case of Diana Kostenly, Jerry Kostenly, Gail Eberhard, Melanie Post (formerly Grant) and Gregory R. Post v.C. Aydin Cabi, DDS, Inc.” (September 7, 2003): 18pp.
“Declaration on Behalf of Tom Padgett in the Civil Action No. 92-CI-00444.”(April 27, 2001): 10pp.
Above Legal Submission in Italian
“Expert Report prepared for the Plaintiff in the Case of EEOC [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] v.1-20 Animal Medical Center,” Dallas, Texas (November 9, 1999): 23pp.
Declaration on behalf of Mr. Wollersheim (expert statement, February 16, 1999).
Declaration on behalf of Mr. Ehrlich (expert statement, February 11, 1999).
British child visitation case (expert statement, February 10, 1999)
Statement to solicitor Ms. Julia Noble describing “fair game” tactics (September 17, 1998)
Declaration on behalf of detective Ken Montgomery (expert statement, August 27, 1998)